Palmier is a french classic, but we have combined it with a Chinese flavor – salted egg. The salty flavor brings out the sweetness of buttery puff pastry. | 法式的經典糅合中式的文化成為我們的鹹蛋黃蝴蝶酥, 鹹香味帶出甜味為傳統嘅口味添上一點創意
小計: $ 1,000.0
小計: $ 1,000.0
Palmier is a french classic, but we have combined it with a Chinese flavor – salted egg. The salty flavor brings out the sweetness of buttery puff pastry. | 法式的經典糅合中式的文化成為我們的鹹蛋黃蝴蝶酥, 鹹香味帶出甜味為傳統嘅口味添上一點創意